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International Association of Deposit Insurers The General Director of the State Corporation “Deposit Insurance Agency” (DIA Russia) Yury O. Isaev is elected President of the International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI) at its 19th Annual General Meeting

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International Association of Deposit Insurers

The General Director of the State Corporation “Deposit Insurance Agency” (DIA Russia)

Yury O. Isaev is elected President of the

International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI)

at its 19th Annual General Meeting

The International Association of Deposit Insurers elected Yury O. Isaev, General Director of the DIA Russia, to serve as its President and as the Chairman of its Executive Council for a two-year term during its 19th Annual General Meeting (AGM) held via correspondence. General Director Isaev succeeds IADI President Katsunori Mikuniya, Governor of the Deposit Insurance Corporation of Japan (DICJ), who served a three-year term.

“IADI is an essential element of the global financial safety net and plays an important role in enhancing the effectiveness of deposit insurance systems and in contributing to the maintenance of financial stability around the world. I am grateful to IADI Members for their trust and the honor to serve as President of the Association during the next two years. We will continue our joint work on the implementation of our Strategic Goals to ensure the further advancement of IADI as a standard setting body and in promoting best practices, improving collaboration with other international financial institutions and providing quality services to the membership.”

General Director Isaev recognised Governor Mikuniya and the DICJ team for their tremendous contributions and dedication over the past three years in leading the Association and in facilitating the achievement of IADI’s Strategic Goals.

During his tenure, Governor Mikuniya took the initiative to promote the Association’s Strategy, including the extension of the current Strategic Plan to 2021. He also received IADI Members’ broad support to enhance the capacity of the IADI Secretariat through the additional hiring of IADI Secretariat staff. Further, he made efforts to introduce a Differentiated Fee Model, giving the Association relevant resources to be able to provide more substantial benefits to Members and facilitating implementation of many programs and activities.

Mr Isaev is the General Director (CEO) and a member of the Board of Directors of the DIA Russia starting from December 2012. Before joining the DIA Russia, from 2008 to 2012, he was a Member of the State Duma (the lower house of the Parliament) of the Russian Federation of 5th and 6th convocations, and Deputy Chairman of its Committee on Financial Markets. Mr Isaev was a Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation from 2002 to 2004. Mr Isaev graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute, faculty of economics, and holds a PhD in economics.

During the AGM, IADI Members elected the following 10 Designated Representatives as Executive Councilmembers:

Diane Ellis (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, USA), Gregor Frey (esisuisse, Switzerland), Karen Gibbons (Financial Services Compensation Scheme, United Kingdom), Marija Hrebac (Croatian Agency for Deposit Insurance and Bank Resolution), Alejandro J. López (Seguro de Depósitos Sociedad Anónima (SEDESA), Argentina), Katsunori Mikuniya (Deposit Insurance Corporation of Japan), Chantal Richer (Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation), Purbaya Yudhi Sadewa (Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation), Piotr Tomaszewski (Bank Guarantee Fund, Poland) and Eloise Williams Dunkley (Jamaica Deposit Insurance Corporation). They shall act in the best interests of the Association, and shall each serve for a three-year term.

The 25-member EXCO is the governing body of the Association, and nomination to stand for election was open to all of the Association’s Designated Representatives.


The International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI) was formed in May 2002 to enhance the effectiveness of deposit insurance systems by promoting guidance and international cooperation. Members of IADI conduct research and produce guidance for the benefit of those jurisdictions seeking to establish or improve a deposit insurance system. Members also share their knowledge and expertise through participation in international conferences and other forums. IADI currently represents 86 deposit insurers. IADI is a non-profit organisation constituted under Swiss Law and is domiciled at the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland.
INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DEPOSIT INSURERS c/o Bank for International Settlements Centralbahnplatz 2 CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland
Tel: +41 61 280 99 33
Fax: +41 61 280 95 54

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